Meters (Analog/Digital)

There are different types of meters available as per the usage requirement. Such as House meter, Ampere meter, Voltage meter, Herds meter, etc. These meters are two primary types, (1) Analog, a needle will display the value in the pre-designed board and/or counter. (2) Digital, displays the value in a digital display panel.

House Meter

House meter measures the electrical use-age of a premises occupied with electrical items. Such as Lights, Fans, Air-conditioners, Rice cookers, Washing Machine, Refrigerator, Water heaters, Hot kettles, etc. Available in single phase and 3 phase current use-age.

Primary owner of the premisses can seperatly calculate the power consumption of a rented building by a "Boarding kWh Meter".

Single phase kWh meter

3Phase Meter

All commercial building uses 3phase electricity, hence this must be calculated by 3phase kWh meter only.

All Factories, Commercial Buildings, Business premisses, Garments, all Industrual premises and few houses too, use 3phase electricity.

3Phase kWh meter

Ampere Meter

An ammeter (abbreviation of Ampere meter) is an instrument used to measure the current in a circuit. An ammeter usually has low resistance so that it does not cause a significant voltage drop in the circuit being measured.


Voltage Meter

Voltage meter is an instrument used to measure the voltage of a closed electrical circuit. Here volt meter has high resistance to give accurate measure of the current voltage.

V meter

Hertz meter

This instrument is used to monitor the frequency of a current circuit (or in a completed Panel Board)

Hz meter